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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Happy Thanksgiving! 
We have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season, thanks to all of you.  Citizen action has made all the difference. Thank you for writing emails to local officials and letters to the editor, speaking and holding signs at public hearings, sharing information with your neighbors, and so much more. You are the heart of the Campaign for Loudoun's Future.

In this email
1. Transportation & growth issues a key focus in election
2. Good news on Loudoun's rural zoning
3. Small victory on the Dulles South CPAM
4. Successful Election Day outreach effort

1.  Talk Transportation with Gov-Elect Tim Kaine

Route 7 Traffic

Here's your chance to talk to the Governor-Elect about transportation and growth issues.  We're betting that you have a lot to say!

Tim Kaine will hold a town hall meeting, "Moving Virginia Forward," on Tuesday, November 29 at 6:30 PM -- the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  The meeting is for the Northern Virginia area and will be in Manassas at the Manassas Airport Terminal (10400 Terminal Rd, Manassas).  Depending on turnout, you may not have the chance to speak, so bring a written message to hand in or a sign to hold up.

Governor-Elect Tim Kaine has pledged to make transportation his first priority as Governor and to give communities the tools they need to effectively manage growth.  Kaine has promised to “tackle our transportation problems through restoring trust in the system and preventing runaway development from clogging up our roads and ruining our beautiful landscapes.”

Read about Kaine's ideas in the press:
"Kaine Plan Worth a Look", Editorial, Times-Mirror
"Kaine Sounds Slow-Growth Note in the Exurbs", Washington Post

2. Board Moving Forward with Rural Zoning Issue
Several months ago, the Board of Supervisors discussed options to change the county's current rural zoning, 1 house per 3 acres, or A3 zoning, to allow fewer houses in western Loudoun. 

The zoning changes could mean a difference in the number of new houses built in western Loudoun -- 45,876 vs. 13,936. That also means a huge difference in our taxes!

Last week the Board voted 6-2-1 to further consider these changes and move the process forward.  No timeline has been adopted, but Chairman York suggested that a public hearing and a Board vote be held in the first few months of 2006.  The six voting to forward the process were Burton, Clem, Kurtz, Tulloch, Waters, and York.

The Supervisors are moving in the right direction; however, until the changes are officially adopted by the County, A3 subdivisions will continue to be filed.  Be sure to send a quick email to the Supervisors thanking them and urging them to move the process forward as quickly as possible.

3.  A Small Victory with the Dulles South CPAM
Last month the Board of Supervisors decided to delay their decision on the Dulles South CPAM*, which would allow up to 28,000 houses to built along Route 50 in the Transition Area -- but it's still very much a looming threat. 

What does this mean?

First of all, citizen pressure was key to the delay.  Thank you to those of you who contacted the Supervisors, the Planning Commission, and the media.  Keep it up!

Second, decisions are being made now that will make it easier to approve the CPAM in the future.  On November 1, the Board of Supervisors gave their okay to the CDA^ proposal -- a developer idea for a special tax district and a fiscally dangerous and risky endeavour for the county. Read the Washington Post's coverage of the vote, "Board Clears Financing Option for Developers."

We'll pass along news on the Dulles South CPAM as it becomes available.

* CPAM = Comprehensive Plan Amendment
^ CDA = Community Development Authority

4.  Election Day Outreach a Huge Success!
Thanks to more than 140 volunteers, the Campaign for Loudoun's Future had an incredible presence at Loudoun polling places on Election Day!  Many of you gave several hours - or even the entire day - to talk to fellow citizens about growth issues in the county. 

Our volunteers talked to thousands of Loudoun citizens, handed out flyers, showed a map, and signed people up for our email alerts.

A big thank you to all of our Election Day volunteers!

Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


Attend a town hall meeting with Gov-Elect Kaine

"Moving Virginia Forward"
Town Hall Meeting on Transportation & Growth
with Gov-Elect Kaine

Tuesday, Nov. 29 @ 6:30 PM
Manassas Airport Main Terminal
10400 Terminal Rd, Manassas

Can't attend?  Email the Governor-Elect with your comments and suggestions about transportation issues.

'Tis the Season for Saying Thank You

In the last month, we've had good news on both the Dulles South CPAM and the rural zoning.

What better way to give thanks then to write a letter to the editor, thanking the Supervisors? 

You must include your name, home address, and daytime and evening phone numbers.  Never written an LTE before? Read sample letters.

Submit Letters to Local Papers
Loudoun Times Mirror
Loudoun Connection
Leesburg Today
Washington Post*
Loudoun Observer

The Easterner
Middleburg Eccentric
Blue Ridge Leader

*Letter to the editor submissions must be exclusive to The Washington Post.

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