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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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In this email
1. Rural zoning update; final public hearings soon
. April 17 public hearing on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM

1.  Board to Hold Final Public Hearings on Rural Zoning Changes

Last Tuesday the Board of Supervisors took another step in the right direction and officially moved the proposed rural zoning changes forward to public hearing phase. 

However, the Board of Supervisors also agreed to consider the Planning Commission's disappointing recommendations to make it much easier for developers to get their projects approved in Loudoun's rural area, saying they want to hear from citizens on the issue at the public hearings.  As Chairman Scott York's recent letter in the Washington Post said, there's "No Room for Loudoun 'Loophole''.  It's important the Board of Supervisors hear that message loud and clear.

Email the Board of Supervisors and urge them to make a decision in the best interest of all Loudoun residents.  A big thank you to everyone who has sent emails so far -- they are making a difference. 

As soon as the public hearing(s) are scheduled, we'll let you know.  If you care about our taxes, traffic, and rural economy.....please speak up!

More information on the proposed rural zoning changes

2.  Planning Commission to Consider Route 50 Taskforce Recommendations
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear what you have to say about the Arcola Area/Route 50 CPAM (Comprehensive Plan Amendment).  The public hearing is scheduled for Monday, April 17 starting at 6:00 PM at the County Government Center.

The CPAM proposes changes to the growth plan in the Route 50 corridor.  The area under consideration stretches from the Fairfax County border to the east side of Route 659 relocated, south of Evergreen Mills Rd (Route 621) and north of Tall Cedars Parkway.

The purpose of the CPAM is to implement the recommendations made by the Route 50 Taskforce, which have raised concerns among citizens. If implemented, some of the taskforce recommendations would encourage new development along Route 50 and make it easier for the Board of Supervisors to approve other CPAMs, which would allow up to 28,000 new houses in the area.

Please stay tuned for more details.  

The Route 50 Taskforce
County staff report for the public hearing
County information on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM

Have you emailed the Board of Supervisors yet?

Emails are pouring in, and they are making a difference.  Send your message today.  A short email is fine, but be sure to include your name and address so your Supervisor knows you are a constituent.

Urge the Supervisors to make meaningful changes to Loudoun's rural zoning while closing the so-called "loophole" for developers.  Tell them we can't afford massive new development in rural Loudoun -- our taxes are high enough already. 

Mark Your Calendars

A public hearing on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM with the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, April 17.  The hearing will start at 6:00 PM at the County Government Center.

Please stay tuned for more details.

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Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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