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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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No Rural Zoning Vote Tomorrow
Do you remember the movie Ground Hog Day that starred Bill Murray? He kept waking up and having to live the same day over and over. That's how many of us are beginning to feel about Loudoun's rural zoning.

Despite the community's strong support to enact the new rural zoning without delay, our leaders have once again postponed their decision. Meanwhile, more and more subdivision applications are being approved throughout the rural area. Read about what happened in the press.

The Planning Commission decided to hold another worksession on Monday, August 28, and as a result, the Supervisors' meeting previously scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) has been cancelled -- and our hope for a final vote before their August break dashed.

Please join us in telling our leaders to make this critical decision -- and to get on with the many important issues in the rest of our county.

In The News
Loudoun Again Postpones Vote on Home Limits
Washington Post, 07/26/06
Commission Delays Rural Zoning Vote, Irks Board
Leesburg Today, 07/25/06

Articles may also be available in the hard copies of these papers:
Loudoun Observer
Loudoun Times-Mirror
Loudoun Connection
Loudoun Independent

News on the housing market from The Washington Post

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


Need to Vent?

Messages to our decision makers have never been more important -- we can't stop until they listen to the people they represent!

Send an email to the Supervisors and Planning Commissioners, and use these suggestions to make your message even more effective:

  • Include your name and address.
  • Don't worry about knowing all of "the facts" -- write about your personal experiences.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor, even when succinct, pack a powerful punch. Details on where to send them and examples of letters are available on our website.

Don't Supersize Loudoun!

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