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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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CPAM Vote Wednesday at 5 PM

Two years ago, thousands of you signed a petition that said, "Say NO to 42,000 new houses, Say NO to 400,000 new car trips, Say YES to meeting our existing road and school needs, Say YES to protecting our county's growth plan."

At 5:00 PM on Wednesday, November 8, our elected officials will take a historic vote to deny or approve a large chunk of those houses proposed by the developers in 2004.

Your civic action has made all the difference in this critical debate for the future of our home. We encourage you to attend the vote and be a witness.

Please send an email to the Board of Supervisors before they vote, asking them to:

  • Stick with the current growth plan for the Transition Area
  • Vote no on developer rezoning applications for higher density in the Transition Area

Board of Supervisors Vote on the Transition Area CPAM

Wednesday, November 7, 5:00 PM
County Government Center in Leesburg

You can also watch the meeting online

More Information

County's Transition Area CPAM webpage

How does growth affect me?

Map of the original proposal
The map will open as a PDF file. Please note that the county is making changes to the number of new houses that could be allowed, and we'll let you know what the final number is.

Send the Board of Supervisors one last email before the vote

The Board of Supervisors are scheduled to vote Wednesday on the Transition Area CPAM.

Please send them an email even if you've already written them before.

*** Be sure to include your name and address in order to be counted as a Loudoun resident. ***

Attend or Watch the Vote

Board of Supervisors Vote on the Transition Area CPAM
Wednesday, November 8, 5:00 PM
County Government Center in Leesburg

Your presence at the meeting will make a big difference.

You can also watch the meeting online.

Help Spread the Word During Your Commute

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Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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