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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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We did it!
Supervisors Vote No on 33,000 New Houses

Thanks to the action of thousands of you over the past two years, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted no on the Transition Area CPAM yesterday.

Their decision to reject 33,000 new houses and apartments, in an area with few jobs and little infrastructure, is a huge win for Loudoun taxpayers and commuters -- and most of all, our families.

Please take a moment to thank the Board of Supervisors for this historic vote to protect the future of our community. Also, please send a note of thanks to the state elected officials who supported the citizens' efforts.

We still face several challenges: the rural zoning which allows 46,000 new houses to be built in western Loudoun and large proposals to turbocharge growth around Leesburg and Ashburn.

But we are beginning to see a major change in direction. The Board is clearly beginning to listen to us. Instead of focusing on developer proposals to open new land to development, we call on our elected leaders to focus on the needs of our existing communities, such as a better transportation network, high quality schools, and parks and recreation centers.

Thank our Elected Officials

Loudoun Board of Supervisors
Delegate Bob Marshall
Delegate Chuck Caputo
State Senator Mark Herring
Governor Tim Kaine

Please consider also sending in your note as a letter to the editor.

Press Coverage

Watch yesterday's vote online (it should be posted soon)

Loudoun Supervisors Quash Dulles South Project
Washington Post
Board Kills Dulles Growth Plan
Leesburg Today

Thank the Board for Listening to the Citizens

Thank our elected officials for their courage, leadership, and vision on this vote.

Don't forget to also thank our state elected officials for standing up for us!

Keep the Momentum

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing:
One Loudoun (1500 new houses) and Crosstrail (1200 new houses)
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6:30 PM

County Government Center

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing on the Rural Zoning
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 6:30 PM
County Government Center

Showing up to speak at these hearings is critical, but sending an email to the Board of Supervisors is also important. Be sure to include your name and address in order to be counted as a Loudoun resident.

Help Spread the Word During Your Commute

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It has been an honor to stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of you.

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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