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Speak Up on County's Growth and Our Taxes

The Board of Supervisors wants our input on the county's budget and local taxes at a public hearing this Wednesday, February 28, at 3:00 and 6:30 PM. Call 703-777-0204 to sign up to speak.

This year’s proposed budget is evidence that our high rate of residential growth cannot be sustained. The county needs to provide schools, teachers, fire & rescue, etc., for Loudoun's new residents.  Residential growth does not pay for itself, unless a house is assessed at more than $1 Million at the current tax rate.

Our schools—a measure of a community’s quality—are at risk due to the pressures of more new houses than we can afford. The Board of Supervisors will determine the final budget for schools and other services, so they need to hear from you.

Here are details from the Eastern Loudoun Schools Association:

Now is the time to express your thoughts on maintaining high quality education in Loudoun County.

There are different tax rates being considered by the Board of Supervisors which mean different budget scenarios for Loudoun County Public Schools.  Presently the County Administrator is proposing a budget scenario which would cut about $16 million from the FY 08 School Board's proposed school operating budget. 

The School Board had requested a $104 million increase from the FY 07 school operating budget:

  • About $42 million of that increase goes directly to growth related expenses--extending services to about 3,000 new students next year and opening one middle and three elementary schools
  • An additional $24.7 million of the proposed increase goes to continuing contractual commitments
  • About $4 million will fund new initiatives. 
  • To keep salaries competitive with surrounding jurisdictions, the School Board is proposing about a $21 million increase. 
  • Remaining proposed increase of about $12 million is for technology, school safety, market adjustment and maintaining parity between new and older Loudoun schools.
Attend and Speak at the Public Hearing

Public Hearing
on the County Budget

Wednesday, February 28
3:00 and 6:30 PM
County Government Center

Call 703-777-0204
to sign up in advance to speak

It's Your Money - Email the Board of Supervisors

Can't attend the public hearing?
Email the Board of Supervisors
. This is your chance to have say about our taxes and the services we pay for!

Be sure to include your name and address.

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Other scenarios include an additional $11.2 million to $51.79 million reduction to the proposed school operating budget, depending on the tax rates adopted by the Board of Supervisors.  Superintendent Hatrick and school staff are in the process of analyzing the budget scenarios proposed by the County Administrator.

You have the opportunity to express your thoughts on the proposed budgets by attending and speaking at the Board of Supervisors public hearing on Wednesday, February 28, at 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm at the Government Center in Leesburg.  You may register to speak by calling 703-777-0204.  If you are unable to attend, you may email your comments to the Board of Supervisors.

Share your views.  It makes a difference!

Susan Klimek Buckley
Eastern Loudoun Schools Association, Chair

Loudoun County Tax Chart



















































































Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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