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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Happy New Year!

The newly-elected Board of Supervisors took office January 1st, and we are excited that they are already working on many of the issues outlined in our Platform for Loudoun's Future.

At their first meeting, our county leaders demonstrated a commitment to full citizen participation, public transparency, and meeting the needs of our existing communities. They:

  • Made it easier for citizens to speak up by providing more evening opportunities for public comment,
  • Signed an ethics pledge to make our county government more transparent,
  • Re-opened discussion on the suburban community planning process, which will identify existing needs in our suburban communities,
  • Recognized Loudoun's history and rural tourism by adopting a resolution of support for the Journey Through Hallowed Ground, and
  • Restored the Chairman's powers, which were stripped by the last Board of Supervisors.

There are still 30,000+ new houses in the pipeline along with a looming budget shortfall of $251 million, due in part to Loudoun's fast growth during the past decade. 

The task is to meet these challenges while addressing the needs of existing residents. The new Board of Supervisors needs our input and participation to chart a course that effectively responds to our priorities.

Our involvement will ensure adequate services for existing communities, good design for new development, and a more progressive transportation plan that emphasizes local street connections, pedestrian/bicycle friendliness, transit, and traffic reduction.  

We promise to keep you informed, as always.

Best wishes for healthy and happy 2008,

Rebecca Perring, Coalition for Smarter Growth
On behalf of the Campaign for Loudoun's Future



Welcome our new county leaders

Find out who your new Supervisor is.

Please welcome the new Board of Supervisors* and thank them for making it easier for citizens to speak up. Share your ideas with them.

You can also speak to the Board of Supervisors at their public comment sessions. Sessions are held twice a month, on Mondays at 6:30 PM at the County Government Center.

*Please be sure to include your name and address so your comments can be counted.

Now it's easier to speak up

The new Board of Supervisors wants to hear from you! They changed public comment from Tuesday mornings to Monday evenings. And, as always, you can watch meetings online.

2008 Meeting Calendar (Word)

Business Meetings:
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
9:00 AM (previously 9:30 AM)

Public Comment Sessions:
Mondays* before business meetings at 6:30 PM

*Except on Monday holidays. Public comment is then heard at the Tuesday business meeting.

Public Hearings:
the Monday following the first business meeting at 6:30 PM

Directions to the
County Government Center

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New Loudoun Board of Supervisors

Find out which district you live in

The Board of Supervisors can be reached by calling their comment line at 703-777-0115 or emailing them at

New Board of Supervisors
Term: January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011

(Maps may take a minute to load)


Email Address

At Large (Chair)

Scott York

Sugarland Run (Vice Chair)

Susan Klimek Buckley

Blue Ridge

Jim Burton

Broad Run

Lori Waters


Sally R. Kurtz


Stevens Miller


Kelly Burk


Andrea McGimsey


Eugene Delgaudio

Don't know which district you live in?
Unfortunately, there is no quick, easy way to find out. Here are your options:

1. Look at this map. Or, click on a district map in the table above -- you zoom in to see more detail.
2. If you can't tell by looking at the maps, call the Voter Registration Office at 703-777-0380. They are happy to assist you.

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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