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Campaign for Loudoun's Future: Promoting Sensible Limits on Future Growth
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Impacts of the 14 developer proposals

Below is a summary of the impact these 14 proposals would have on the County.  The information is derived from the Board of Supervisors' adopted Capital Intensity Factors, which set standards of service.

  •   Number of new residential units:  33,883
  •   Number of new residents:  90,237
  •  Number of new students:  18,527

Got traffic?
How about over 1 million more car trips on our roads?

The potential 33,883 new residential units would have a severe impact on Loudoun's already overburdened road system.  On average, one single family house adds 10 daily vehicle trips to our roads.

Sources of additional daily car trips:

Developer proposals: 338,883
Houses in pipeline:  384,790
Loss of rural zoning:  467,026


TOTAL:  1,190,669 additional daily car trips

  •  Number of new schools required:  17

     11 new Elementary Schools
      3 new Middle Schools
      3 new High Schools

  •  Construction cost of new schools:
           $522.7 million*
  •   Annual operating cost of new schools:
         $152.1 million*
  •  Number of new teachers: 842
  •   Number of new fire/rescue personnel: 126
  •   Number of new sheriff personnel:  196
  • Number of new athletic fields needed: 190
  •   Acres of passive park required:  902
  • Cost of new Parks & Rec. facilities:
           $281.7 million*

*Based upon projected FY 2006 construction and operating costs.  Cost of new Parks & Recreation facilities based upon FY 2004 construction costs.