The application for Creekside
development is one of several changes
to the growth plan (CPAMs) before the Board of Supervisors.
The developer, Creekside LLC, wants permission to build houses on
county park land, Phil Bolen Park (SE of Leesburg). In return, the
company will give the county parkland south of the current site
along Goose Creek.
The construction of facilities at Phil Bolen Park was funded by a bond referendum
in November 2001. 62% of Loudoun voters approved the referendum.
The developer is offering to build both phases of the alternate park although
there are no specific details available on the offer. The developer claims the
park would be opened in 2007 and would be completed along with access roads, by
Leonard "Hobie" Mitchell, the representative for Creekside LLC, says
they will build 20 ballfields instead of the 17 ballfields planned at the current
location. While he touts an additional 3 fields, the 20 proposed fields aren't
enough for Creekside development's
own residents.
In combination with the Crosstrail
development also under consideration, we would require a new regional park
just for their residents.
On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors approved a board
resolution that instructs county staff to give the developer the
go-ahead to submit a plan for development in Phil Bolen Park.
Feb. 15, 2005: The Board of Supervisors passed a resolution that temporarily
prevents the Creekside development and land swap with Phil Bolen Park, and the
Crosstrails development from
moving forward.
In an 8-0-1 vote, with Supervisor Snow absent, the Board approved a resolution
regarding the Leesburg Joint Land Management Area (JLMA), where the Crosstrails
and Creekside developments would be located. They suspended any further action
or staff review of the Creekside and Crosstrails CPAMs until a joint planning
process is completed with the Town of Leesburg on the Joint Land Management Area
We will continue to watch this proposal as the resolution language leaves the
door open for the developer to submit a rezoning application in the future.
This great news means that more local stakeholders, including Leesburg residents,
will be able to participate in how this area develops. The Leesburg Town Council
has previously expressed concern over the development proposals and opposes the
Phil Bolen Park land swap.