Press Release
For Immediate Release:
October 14, 2004
For more information:
Laura Olsen, CSG 202-244-4408 or 202-320-4578
Andrea McGimsey: 703-726-6046 or 703-477-4722
Loudoun Planning Staff Rejects Bulk of New Development Proposals
Today, the Loudoun County Planning Staff recommended that the county reject
review of 17 of the 20 major development proposals that would increase the size
of the County by 50%. The staff reported that only three proposals met the County
criteria for review as amendments to the plan. The Planning Commission will make
their decision whether to review the projects beginning October 25th.
The appointed Planning Commission is not obligated to act according to staff
recommendations, so the big question remains what its decision will be.
The professional planning staff recommended the supervisors move in the
right direction by rejecting consideration of such monumental changes to Loudouns
future through a side door process. The 20 proposals from developers would increase
the size of Loudoun County by 50% and add as many as 400,000 car trips to eastern
Loudoun, said Laura Olsen, Assistant Director of the Coalition for Smarter
Growth. The staff noted that five of the largest proposals along Route 50 did
not meet criteria and any changes in that area should be done with a full public
planning process.
The three projects the staff recommended the county accept for consideration
would still likely account for a thousand or more new houses if approved. Even
these three proposals would impact everyone who lives here now, putting thousands
more cars between us and our jobs, noted Andrea McGimsey with Campaign for
Loudouns Future, We are asking the staff to subject these to the highest
level of scrutiny.
The three recommended for further study are: Stonegate, Diamond Lakes I &
II, and Victoria Station. A map of these projects is available at:
McGimsey said, The county is growing enough already. We have 39,000 houses
approved but not yet built, plus the 42,000 that the 20 amendments would add.
Combined these would double the population. We should stick to our existing growth
plan created with citizen input and deal with our existing traffic problems instead
of creating more.
The coalition of smart growth, conservation and civic groups challenging the
developer amendments will work with citizens to closely evaluate the three proposals
if they move forward. Each of these proposals raises major questions about
proposed uses, design and traffic, said Ed Gorski, a planner with the Piedmont
Environmental Council. Like too much of the development in eastern Loudoun,
these proposals involve conversion to industrial uses and may fail to create walkable,
mixed-use communities.
The coalition has challenged all of the developer sponsored proposals that
would increase the population of Loudoun County by 50% and undo years of citizen
involvement in the adoption of the last comprehensive plan. Last week, the groups
released a map detailing the location and impact of the 20 proposed development
projects. The map is available to the public at The groups
initial analysis, based on data from Loudoun County and Virginia Department of
Transportation, indicates that the 20 proposals would generate as many as 400,000
additional car trips each day.
We will work hard to provide critical analysis of all of these proposals
and are available to meet with individuals and citizen groups, said Gorski
of PEC. The coalition urges citizens to contact the Planning Commission (at
urging them to support the staffs recommendation, while asking for very
close scrutiny of the proposals.
At, You can find:
Maps showing the location and size of the 20 requested density
increases and their relation to the Western transportation corridor
Initial assessment of the traffic the proposals will generate